Sharon Palas MAC, PLPC

Sometimes, often—in fact— life seems to be living us instead of us living life. If we’re honest, we feel disconnected not only from others, but from ourselves as well. This sense of honesty requires courage, and we’re not sure we can quite muster up what is needed to reconnect, to release anxiety and fear, to move into a place of flourishing rather than just surviving. Many of us have had trauma that feels almost unspeakable, insurmountable. We may have things in our lives we’ve never even been able to speak about…with anyone. And yet, your story and your experiences matter, and they have greatly influenced the person you are and the person you continue to become.
Having walked my own journey of soul healing for over a decade, I invite you to come and find a place of safety to just be—all of who you are, all of what you bring, all of what you long for—they are welcome in our time and space together. It is a privileged place to sit with the brave and the hurting, and to explore together what it can mean to heal—really heal—body, mind, and soul. You were made to be a whole person, and together we can rediscover what your instincts already know: You were made for more than just a life living you. You are hard-wired for depth of relationship, creativity, and a life with real meaning.
Believing in a deep connection between body and mind, I am a Somatic Experiencing™ Practitioner-in-Training in my Advanced Year. This means I am passionate about collaborating with you to discover how your body and all of who you are, has and does store the imprint of your life’s experiences. Exploring those places together can bring renewal, redemption, and feelings of no longer being “stuck” in patterns that repeat themselves in ways that do not serve you well.
People from all walks of life are welcome in my office. Whether you’re taking your first steps into the realm of counseling, or you are needing a deeper look into what keeps you in patterns that are unsettling and frustrating, welcome! Together we will pilgrim on a healing path that leads to greater freedom, honoring who you are in a way that feels safe and respectful of your needs, dignity, and personhood. I look forward to meeting you.
Sharon (she/her) is supervised by Laura K. Grace  (MO Lic # 2005005997), owner of Oasis-Healing for Body and Mind.
Areas of specialized focus:
  • Sexual abuse/trauma/neglect
  • PTSD
  • Spiritual abuse and confusion
  • Enmeshment, triangulation, and boundaries
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Grief and loss
  • Mood disorders
  • Disordered eating

Online or in person at:

260 Clarkson Rd. Ellisville, MO 63011
Sharon counsels individuals 18 years of age and older, couples, and families (with adult children). Her session fee is $135 for check/cash and $139 for credit card. For couples and families her session fee is $145 for check/cash and $149 for credit card. 
Daytime and evening availability.